24 research outputs found

    Transformation of the Mediation Role of Judges in Corruption Crimes in a Perspective of Legal Benefits

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    The transformation of the role of judges in criminal cases needs to be considered to prioritize the return of state financial losses in the perspective of the usefulness of the law. This study uses a descriptive study with qualitative data analysis. This study answers the questions of how is the implementation of the role of judges in criminal cases in Indonesia; and what is the role of judges in criminal cases in the perspective of justice, usefulness and legal certainty. The creation of laws that serve the interests of the State cannot be separated from the role of judges. Therefore, the role of judges is important to transform that the core in the creation of laws is the harmonious implementation of values and principles which are then manifested in the behavior of the "pattern setting group" which can be interpreted as a group of experts. The power of law in the narrow sense is the judge

    Solving Rich Vehicle Routing Problem Using Three Steps Heuristic

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    Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) relates to the problem of providing optimum service with a fleet of vehicles to customers. It is a combinatorial optimization problem. The objective is usually to maximize the profit of the operation. However, for public transportation owned and operated by government, accessibility takes priority over profitability. Accessibility usually reduces profit, while increasing profit tends to reduce accessibility. In this research, we look at how accessibility can be increased without penalizing the profitability. This requires the determination of routes with minimum fuel consumption, maximum number of ports of call and maximum load factor satisfying a number of pre-determined constraints: hard and soft constraints. To solve this problem, we propose a heuristic algorithm. The results from this experiment show that the algorithm proposed has better performance compared to the partitioning set

    Interactive Module Development of Teacher's Measurements

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    This research develops an interactive module system that can be used to explore and build a self-assessment checklist on significant learning content in the daily life and work of students in the future. The purpose of this interactive module system is to contribute to the teacher in choosing the appropriate learning content for teaching. This study will focus on the contents of Form 1 history subjects involving teachers and students. In addition, with a self-assessment checklist of teachers, educators can use it in determining significant learning content with the life and nature of student work. The built-in interactive module system also benefits pupils when the learning takes place content and skills that can be used all the time. The data were obtained through field observations in the classroom and teacher work. In general, the use of interactive module systems developed is very good and effective. The findings show that the majority of users have stated that the developed system interface is of interest to the user, in which the navigation system developed is user-friendly. The user states that the usability of the developed system is very helpful to teachers and students in understanding the content of the given lessons

    Analisis Teknik Penerjemahan pada Abstrak Jurnal IJAI 6(1)

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    Penerjemahan berperanan penting dalam sebuah komunikasi. Penerjemahan adalah serangkaian tindakan analitis terhadap teks sumber (TSu) untuk dialihbahasakan kedalam teks sasaran (TSa) yang sepadan sehingga menghasilkan terjemahan yang baik dan dapat di mengerti oleh pembaca. Penerjemahan tidak hanya sekedar mengubah kata, tetapi juga mentransfer kesepadanan budaya dengan budaya bahasa TSu dan penerima bahasa tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya. Salah satu naskah yang selalu menggunakan proses penerjemahan adalah adalah abstrak. Abstrak bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum tentang isi sebuah tulisan karya ilmiah. Karya ilmiah ini merupakan studi kasus penerjemahan abstrak artikel yang diterbitkan di International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) pada Terbitan 6(1) tahun 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses penerjemahan yang dilakukan pada teks sumber (TSu) ke dalam teks sasaran (TSa) untuk menghasilkan terjemahan yang sepadan dan juga metode atau teknik yang muncul dalam penerjemahan teks sumber (TSu) kedalam teks sasaran (TSa). Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam proses penerjemahan yang dilakukan pada teks sumber (TSu) ke dalam teks sasaran (TSa) harus mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang terkandung di dalam teks tersebut agar mendapatkan hasil terjemahan yang sepadan dan dapat difahami dengan baik oleh pembaca. Faktor utama yang sangat mendukung adalah bahwa penerjemah harus mengetahui istilah-istilah dalam TSu dan memahami penggunaan istilah tersebut sehingga penerjemah bisa dengan mudah menerjemahkan naskah TSu ke dalam TSa. Selain itu, teknik penerjemahan yang banyak digunakan dalam kedua naskah adalah teknik transposisi, teknik meminjam kata baik murni maupun dengan perubahan serta teknik adaptasi dan calque.   Analysis of Translation Techniques in the journal abstract of IJAI 6(1) Abstract: Translation plays an important role in communication. Translation is a series of analytical actions on the source text (TSU) to be translated into equivalent target text (TSA) so as to produce a good translation and can be understood by the reader. Translation does not just change the word, but also transfers the cultural correspondence to the culture of the TSu language and its recipient as best as possible. One of the texts that always uses the translation process is an abstract. Abstract aims to provide an overview of the contents of a scientific paper. This scientific work is a case study of translating article abstracts published in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) in Issue 6 (1) in 2019. The purpose of this research is to describe the translation process carried out on the source text (TSu) into the target text (TSa) to produce an equivalent translation and also the methods or techniques that appear in the translation of the source text (TSu) into the target text (TSa). From the research conducted, it can be concluded that in the translation process carried out on the source text (TSu) into the target text (TSa) must consider the factors contained in the text in order to get a translation result that is equivalent and can be well understood by readers. The main factor that is very supportive is that the translator must know the terms in TSu and understand the use of these terms so that the translator can easily translate the TSu script into TSa. In addition, the translation techniques that are widely used in the two texts are transposition techniques, techniques for borrowing words both pure and with changes as well as adaptation and calque techniques. Keywords: Abstract, Couplet, Journal, Translation Technique, TSu ≈ TSa

    Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Retribusi Pada Menara Telekomunikasi

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    Tekomunikasi adalah salah satu faktor penting dan strategis dalam mendukung dan meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi suatu negara. Telekomunikasi juga berperan dalam peningkatan pendidikan dan peningkatan hubungan antar negara. Pembangunan menara telekomunikasi diperlukan untuk memperhatikan estetika lingkungan, tata ruang dan wilayah serta orang-orang keselamatan dan keamanan yang berada di sekitar menara telekomunikasi. Peran pemerintah kota untuk mengatur penyelenggaraan perizinan, khususnya terkait dengan perizinan menara telekomunikasi sangat penting agar pendirian menara telekomunikasi tidak sembarangan dan merugikan banyak pihak. Dengan terjadinya masalah-masalah ini, kita membutuhkan aplikasi yang dapat membantu pemerintah kota dalam mengelola pemantauan dan retribusi data oleh menara telekomunikasi.   Information System for Information Levy Monitoring On Telecommunication Towers Abstract: Telecommunications is one of the important and strategic factor in supporting and enhancing the competitiveness of a nation's economy. Telecommunications also play a role in the improvement of education and improvement of relations between nations. Telecommunications tower construction is required to pay attention to the aesthetics of the environment, spatial and regions as well as safety and security people residing around the telecommunications tower. The role of the city government to regulate the operation of licensing, particularly related to the licensing of telecommunications tower is very important for the erection of the tower telekominikasi not arbitrary and detrimental to many parties. With the occurrence of these problems, we need an application that can help the city government in managing data monitoring and levies by the telecommunications tower. Keywords: License, Telecommunication Tower, Client-Server

    Penentuan Bonus Karyawan dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytic Network Process di PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus pada PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering yang beralamat di lot 21 citra buana III Batam Centre Kepulauan Riau. Dikarenakan tidak adanya sistem pendukung keputusan yang membantu dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus, sehingga dibutuhkannya perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan. Data pada sistem pendukung keputusan penetuan bonus karyawan ini diperoleh dari data karyawan dari bulan januari sampai dengan Juni 2019, yang terdiri dari nama, tempat tanggal lahir, alamat dan jenis kelamin beserta data absen perbulan. Model sistem yang digunakan Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Sistem pendukung keputusan dirancang berbasis web mobile dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) dan database MySQL. Teknik Penelitian kuantitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data-data hasil perhitungan. Penelitian menghasilkan aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan berbasis web mobile dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus. Pengujian dalam aplikasi menggunakan blackbox. Determination of Employee Bonuses Using the Analytic Network Process Method at PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering Abstract: This study aims to design a decision support system in determining employee bonus recipients at PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering which is located at lot 21 Citra Buana III Batam Center Riau Islands. Due to the absence of a decision support system that helps in determining the bonus employee, a decision support system design is needed. Data on the decision support system for determining employee bonuses is obtained from employee data from January to June 2019, which consists of name, place of birth date, address and gender along with monthly absence data. The system model used is Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). Decision support system is designed based on mobile web using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language and MySQL database. Quantitative research techniques, by collecting data from calculations. The research resulted in the application of a web-based mobile decision support system in determining employee bonus recipients. In-app testing uses a blackbox. Keywords: Analytic Network Process, Decision Support System, Mobile Web

    Disaster Sites Roaming Smart Car with Hand Gesture Controller

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    This research is about an Internet of Things (IoT) project and research about smart car development. IoT is machine or device that can transfer data over a network without a connection between human-to-human or human-to-device interaction. One of the significant of IoT is the revolution of smart car. This project is a research about smart car that help civilian in distress that have been caught in a natural disaster like land slide or even an earthquake and traps in a collapsed building or it can be a smart car that can recon the site. This smart car can assist the rescue squad to detect that survivor by going through the small hole that been create by the collapsed building and give the rescue squad the where about of the survivor and provide information to the rescuer about the site. The smart car also have solar system to power the system and can run longer than powered only with battery. The smart can also have anti capsize that may make the smart car overturn in the disaster site while roaming in the disaster to detect the victims. This feature help the smart car easily to roam freely with the unstable environment. The smart car also provided with camera for the rescue squad to analyse the structure in the disaster and avoid to dig the rubble or disaster site and killed the victims and the user can gain the insight of the site and gain information more detailed. The smart car can be controlled with a globe type controller for easier the user to control the smart car in the unstable and fragile site

    Pendeteksi Tingkat Kecanduan Internet Berbasis Sistem Pakar yang Menggunakan Certainty Factor

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    Bermula sejak COVID19 maka hampir setiap orang di seluruh dunia menggunakan internet bahkan hingga tahap yang mencemaskan yaitu kecanduan internet. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan bahwa tingkat kecanduan terhadap penggunaan jaringan internet semakin tinggi walaupun COVID19 telah reda. Remaja belum mampu memilih aktivi-tas sambungan internet yang bermanfaat dan mereka lebih mudah mengalami pengaruh buruk lingkungan per-gaulan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut mereka perlu dukungan dari para psikolog sehingga dapat mencegah dan mendiagnosis dini sebelum mereka menjadi penderita kecanduan internet berat. Namun disisi lain, jumlah psikolog yang dapat membantu masih sangat terbatas terutama di kota-kota kecil. Selain itu faktor ekonomi dan keterbata-san waktu orangtua dalam mendapingi anaknya mengunjugi psikolog menjadi penghambat utama. Oleh karena itu perlu ditemukan solusi yang dapat mengatasi keterbatasan-keterbatasan dan penghambat remaja dalam mendapat-kan pelayanan dari seorang psikolog. Salah satu solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah membangun sebuah sis-tem pakar yang dapat bekerja sebagai seorang psikolog. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi sistem pakar untuk melakukan diagnosis kecanduan internet dengan menggunakan metode certainty factor (factor kepercayaan). Tingkat kecanduan internet dikategorikan dalam rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Pengujian sis-tem dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengujian black box yang memungkinkan pakar memperoleh kumpulan kondi-si keluaran yang akan mengerjakan seluruh keperluan fungsional program. Pengujian ini menunjukkan pemasukan data keluaran telah berjalan sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Pengujian terhadap 20 repsonden memberikan ting-kat akurasi sistem pakar “Internet Sehat” 83

    Analysis and Development of A Self-Dimming Module for Road Traffic Signals

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    Nowadays, we often see more and more of the various types of lights in urban areas, especially in road areas, either regarding the use of traffic lights or streetlights that serve as guides and signals to maintain road safety. Typically, the lamps use LED-based lamps as they can increase the rate of high savings. This LED conceptual light helps reduce energy wastage by using less power and reducing the consumption of heat and is suitable for day-to-day operation. The addition of ordinary LEDs to self-dimming systems based on the intensity of light around is more likely to increase the savings rate and is more environment-friendly. The scope of this research includes analytics data from the use of standard traffic lights and LED signal lights that are self-concept in dimmer systems. This research uses the IoT concept that is applied to the traffic system and uses solar energy which is indeed renewable natural energy and can affect the green earth concept to the traffic control system on the road

    Usefulness of Augmented Reality as a Tool to Support Online Learning

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    The global crisis following the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic has had an impact on the teaching and learning process (PdP). The main problem with PdP during the Covid-19 epidemic was the limitation in conducting face-to-face activities in the classroom. Therefore, a learning aid is needed to enable PdP to run optimally even though there is no face-to-face interaction between teachers and students. The research contribution is to highlight the application of Augmented Reality to support distance learning in the Covid-19 epidemic situation, specializing in Wood Carving Art for the subject of Visual Arts Education Form 4. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application uses the ADDIE design model based on five phases, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Testing. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application is evaluated based on its usefulness. The AR Wood Carving Art mobile application was evaluated among 27 students from 4 of SMK Pasir Gudang (Johor, Malaysia) and registered to Visual Arts. Based on the result, 80% of respondents strongly agree that the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application help respondents be more effective. It helps users to be more productive and giving ideas to users to be creative and innovative. One hundred percent of respondents strongly agree that the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application makes things that users want to achieve easier to do, and the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application does what users want. Eighty percent of respondents strongly agree that the AR Wood Craving Art application is useful and the application saves time when users use it. Therefore, the AR Wood Craving Art application is effectively used in learning which makes users more productive, creative, and innovative. In addition, the AR Wood Craving Art mobile application makes it easy for users to understand wood carving topics in visual arts subjects, and users can carry out educational and teaching activities like in a classroom